Dear First Presbyterian Church Family:

In this post you will find

  • -Monday Check-In Link
  • -Recap and link to worship from Sunday 5/24
  • -Pentecost Sunday Parade Announcement

MONDAY CHECK-IN: Pastor Damen and I recorded our weekly Monday Check-In broadcast. It includes announcements, prayer, and a Bible study chat based on the scripture I will preach on Sunday, the story of Pentecost: Acts 2:1-21. You can listen to it like a radio broadcast or download it as a podcast by clicking here:
If you prefer to see our smiling faces (and Damen’s epic beard) you can watch the broadcast on YouTube by clicking here:

SUNDAY 5/24 RECAP: We had another glorious day of worship last Sunday. Sara Babcock joined me as a guest preacher, she grew up in the church, spent the last year as a Presbyterian Young Adult Volunteer, and is starting seminary in the Fall. We were joined by Hannah Jensen who helped lead our hymn singing and shared an original song that tied in beautifully with the scripture and the sermon. You can watch the service by clicking here:

May 31st is Pentecost Sunday, and we are going to celebrate in style! We read in Acts 2, “When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit!”

In honor of Pentecost, we will have a Holy Spirit Parade on Sunday, May 31st. We invite you to come to the Church or PEACE Center parking lot by 10:20am. You will be given a bulletin, a map, and instructions. When the service begins at 10:30am, the cars will tune their radios to KICS 1550 AM, leave the parking lots and drive around town, following the map to pass by the houses of our homebound members. The procession will be led by two cars painted in flames, and we invite you to decorate your own cars with symbols of the Holy Spirit: flames or doves. The Holy Spirit will unite us as a family of faith, including our homebound members, as we joyfully celebrate Pentecost Sunday!

Have a blessed week!

Your Servant in Christ,

Pastor Greg