Together with our neighbors at the First United Methodist Church, we offer a monthly no-questions-asked food pantry called United Harvest. Those interested in receiving food should bring boxes or bags. Those interested in volunteering with the event should simply show up on the date of the next distribution and check in at the volunteer sign-in table. Volunteer shifts are 9:30-12:00 and 12:00-2:00.
The 5th annual “Project Homeless Connect” will take place at First St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on July 21, 2016, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. The annual event brings together service agencies, schools, veterans organizations, churches, businesses, community support, and hundreds of volunteers to help homeless and nearly homeless individuals residing in Adams, Clay, Nuckolls, and Webster counties. By providing critical care, services, and information, PHC helps recipients toward self-sufficiency. In 2015, 520 participants (315 adults, 205 children) received services. Both financial donations and volunteers are needed. email: Facebook:
Open Table
Open Table helps feed the Homeless in our area. Open Table Dates for our church to prepare meals this year are from July 3rd-24th. Following our 10:30 Worship Service we gather to prepare sandwiches and bag lunches. Please stop by and help make sandwiches or to pack a lunch for those in need in our area.
Church Women United
Church Women United is a group made up of women from 9 different churches. It is open to any church or denomination. It is a good avenue for churches to work together on common goals such as The Bridge, Teen Mops and Relay for Life.
Oscar Night
Jeni Howard, Nancy Grams and Susan Hoff helped babysit at The Bridge while the children’s mothers attended an Oscar party. The young women of The Bridge were treated to a formal dinner party. They all dressed in formals and were driven by limo to a dinner party and Oscar viewing at First Presbyterian Church. The event was planned by Sarah Nottage-Tacey.
Hastings Food Pantry
Food Pantry – help keep the pantry supplied.
The first Sunday of each month is the Food Pantry donation date for First Presbyterian Church.
A donation cart is in Memorial Room on that Sunday.
Non-perishable needs requested by the Pantry are:
paper products
canned fruit
boxed meals canned vegetables
peanut butter
canned chicken, tuna, turkey
Happy Nappy
The fourth Sunday of each month is designated for the collection of diapers. Please bring a box and place in basket outside of the Hands Around the World store. They are collected and distributed to those in need in the community. The congregation is encouraged to bring diapers on the last Sunday of the month. There were 99 diapers delivered in January, 130 in February, and 370 in March and April.
Boy Scouts Troop 200
Boy scouts provides an opportunity to explore interests, and possible career choices they might make, through merit badge clinics, Camporees and work at meetings. There is a ranking system that holds a boy true to proving their skill, knowledge and loyalty in order to advance. They begin by earning the rank of scout and have the ultimate goal of earning Eagle Scout, which they earn by completing required merit badges, hours of service and leading a project that benefits the community. Only a handful of dedicated scouts achieve this rank and Troop 200 has a picture of every one of them on the wall downstairs in the church’s scout room!
Pooh Corner Day Care & Pre-School
First Presbyterian Church offers Pooh Corner the west wing of the church for a minimal fee. Hours of operation