Greetings First Presbyterian Church Family!
Thank you for participating in our month of gratitude as part of our focus on gratitude, generosity and stewardship. I have heard many stories about the daily gratitude journals and the thank you cards.
We passed out Pledge Cards for the 2018 Church year at our services on Sunday 10/22 and Sunday 10/29 and also mailed them to your houses that week. We included this letter with the pledge cards. If you still need a pledge card, please come to the church office.
Please return those pledge cards to the church office or put them in the offering plate on or before Sunday, November 12. That will help us to build our budget for the 2018 church year.
This Sunday, we will be celebrating “All Saints Day” at both Sunday Morning worship services including a candlelight liturgy to honor our loved ones who have recently passed away. We invite all families who have lost loved ones throughout the past year to gather as a family to honor and remember the one they have shared memories with and loved. You will be invited to light a candle in their honor at either the 8:30 a.m. Taize service or the 10:30 a.m. traditional service. We hope you can join us and that God’s healing power continues to bring comfort to you and your family.
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Greg