Oct 19, 2017 | FPC News
This Forum will present a summary of Walter Brueggemann’s important work “Money and Possessions,” which was the selection of FPC’s summer book club. Dr. Dan Deffenbaugh, Hastings College Professor of Religion Nov. 5, 9:15, Fellowship Hall...
Oct 18, 2017 | FPC News
Lunch, fellowship, learning, and fun! Join the Mariners every 1st and 3rd Thursday, noon-1:00, in the Parlor. Each gathering will include a brief devotion and then a robust discussion on topics related to parenting. Moms at any stage in the parenting journey and...
Oct 18, 2017 | FPC News
This year the children of First Presbyterian Church, Hastings, will be continuing the tradition of helping other children around the world by participating in the Trick-or Treat for UNICEF campaign. The annual tradition has helped provide countless children around the...
Oct 6, 2017 | FPC News
Men of First Presbyterian Church: Come join us on Thursday 11/9 for a “Guys Night Out” at a Hastings College Basketball Game. Mark your calendars now!
Oct 6, 2017 | FPC News