Sep 20, 2017 | FPC News
Sep 15, 2017 | FPC News
Pastor Greg, who oversaw all world mission operations at the national level of the PC(USA), will share the History of Presbyterian Mission during the Forum classes on Sept. 17. Fellowship Hall, 9:15-10:15 a.m.
Sep 13, 2017 | FPC News
It was a busy day at the September 5 Blood Drive. We collected 40 units of blood which was 11 over our goal! This was a great time to exceed our goal with all the natural disasters going on in our nation. Thank you to all of our wonderful donors and...
Sep 7, 2017 | FPC News
If you’re planning to join the church, or if you simply want to learn more about what it means to be Presbyterian in Hastings and beyond, please plan to attend the New Member Class, held 4:30-6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 13, in the basement youth room....
Sep 4, 2017 | FPC News
Both will study scriptures for the upcoming Sunday’s worship service. Both will be led by Pastor Greg. Options: Tuesdays at noon (bring a sack lunch if you like); or Wednesdays at 7:00 a.m. (breakfast is provided). We look forward to seeing you...