Hastings College Local/Global Meal Packing Event

The Hastings College Local/Global Organization (formerly Hunger & Homeless) would like to invite the members of First Presbyterian Church to help at the Hearts & Hands Against Hunger Packing event on Friday, November 10th at the Hazelrigg Student Union. This...

Gratitude, Pledge Cards and All Saints Sunday Information

Greetings First Presbyterian Church Family! Thank you for participating in our month of gratitude as part of our focus on gratitude, generosity and stewardship.  I have heard many stories about the daily gratitude journals and the thank you cards. We passed out Pledge...

November Offerings for Maryland Living Center

Our November Offerings are dedicated to our neighbors across 7th Street, the young people at Maryland Living Center. These 16-21-year-olds are transitioning to independent living from lives as foster or homeless children. In addition to our communion offering’s...

Thank You for Your Support of Adams-Clay County Chapter of ARC

First Presbyterian Church raised $175 in Honey Bear sales this year.  Proceeds go to assist the Adams-Clay county chapter of ARC, which provides programs and support for families and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Thank you for your...

Come Check Out ‘Hands Around the World Store’

Come on in and check out items for sale in Hands Around the World Store (HAWS)!  Pick up a bag (or two) of Café Justo coffee.  Feel free to browse the fine selection of chocolate, textiles and jewelry.   Items come from nonprofit, fair trade organizations dedicated to...