On Saturday, August 27, around 45 volunteers from FPC and from 1st United Methodist Church joined together at 10:30 am to unload 6,000 pounds of fresh, frozen, and canned food, which had just arrived at the Annex from Omaha’s Food Bank for the Heartland. The volunteers had everything unloaded and organized in about 45 minutes, then gathered for training and prayer for the day, for the project, for the volunteers, and for the recipients of the food. Food recipients began arriving long before the stated distribution time of 12:30-2:30 p.m., so they were given a number and encouraged to come back at 12:30. A steady stream of folks flowed through the Annex from 12:30-2:15, at which time the very last bit of food was given out. Around 200 individuals and families signed in to receive, representing over 500 individuals served. Both volunteers and recipients deemed the day a rousing success!