The United Harvest mobile food pantry is a local ministry to help supply food to individuals and families in need.
It is jointly coordinated by First Presbyterian Church and the First United Methodist Church.
On one Saturday each month, a truck full of food delivers to the Annex, is unloaded and organized by volunteers from the churches, and then the food is distributed to community members with no questions asked.

It is usual to serve more than 1,000 recipients each distribution, including more than 300 families, many with children and/or elderly in the home.
Contributions of time and funds will be needed to continue to meet the needs of the hungry in Hastings.

As we prepare for Saturday’s United Harvest distribution, please remember three things:
   1. Food is available, no questions asked, to anyone in need. Bring boxes or bags to receive.
   2. Volunteers are needed! Most during the primary shift (9:30a-12:00p), but also for the clean-up shift (11:30a-2:00p)
   3. Your help is appreciated!!

Below are current flyers to print and distribute:


April2018 United Harvest Flyer Spanish