Dec 1, 2017 | FPC News
Chorus of the Plains will be sponsoring a community Christmas Sampler at Hastings High School Auditorium on Saturday, December 16, 3:00 p.m. This is a fundraiser for local charities featuring local church choirs and other musical groups in town including FPC’s...
Dec 1, 2017 | FPC News
We know some biblical passages so well that we can recite them from memory while other passages languish in obscurity. Our lives mirror this tendency, as parts of our story are well-known and other parts remain hidden. Join us as we unpack a few of our...
Dec 1, 2017 | FPC News
Byron Jensen will lead next week’s Forum class in an examination of the various ways Jesus is represented in art, music, and scripture, exploring how these various images shape our understanding of Jesus. Sunday, December 10, 9:15 a.m., Fellowship...
Dec 1, 2017 | FPC News
In a world where screens are ubiquitous, how do we help our children effectively utilize them without becoming addicted to them? Free childcare! Bring a sack lunch if you wish. All moms are welcome!!
Nov 30, 2017 | FPC News
Established in 1983 as a soup kitchen, Crossroads is now a 90-bed facility with a four-phase program to help homeless men, women & families get back on their feet. Their mission is to bring glory to God through the helping of people. Crossroads currently serves...