A Monday Check-In Double Feature!!!!!

Last week we (Greg) forgot to post the Monday Check-In, even though he and Damen had a rousing conversation about the Parable of the Talents from Matthew 25. That means you get a double feature this week! This week we talked about the Parable of the Sheep and the...

Monday Check-In, Forum Links, and MORE!

Dear First Presbyterian Church Family: In this email you will find links to the Monday Check-In, our Forum from last Sunday on politics and polarization, a preview of this Sunday’s forum, and an invitation to get involved. Tomorrow I will send out an email with...

Sunday Worship, Cinnamon Rolls, Forum and Pledge Cards!

Dear First Presbyterian Church Family, What a difference a week makes, last week we were seeing temperatures in the 70s, and this week we are in the 30s! As a result, our in-person Worship in the Park services are over for the season. It was a great run with 13...