Jun 14, 2021 | Announcements
Dear First Presbyterian Church Family, Join Pastors Damen and Greg as they discuss the Dr. Seuss classic story “The Zax” and contrast that with story of Naaman and Elisha in 2 Kings 5. The Monday Check-In is a brief bible study chat based on the scripture...
Jun 11, 2021 | Announcements
Dear First Presbyterian Church Family: I hope your summer has started joyfully and you are able to beat the heat this week! I want to share some exciting information about worship this Sunday, June 13. We will start our Worship in the Park service on Sunday at 9:30am....
Jun 9, 2021 | Announcements
Dear First Presbyterian Church Family, It’s a special mid-week edition of the Monday Check-In with Pastor Greg and THREE SPECIAL GUESTS! Pastor Damen is leading the Go and Serve mission trip in Biloxi, Mississippi this week, so Pastor Greg recruited some new...
Jun 1, 2021 | Announcements
Dear First Presbyterian Church Family, We are starting our Summer Sermon Series on Children’s Books! This Sunday will feature “Old Turtle” by Douglas Wood. If you don’t know this book, be prepared for a treat. With a thoughtful message and...
May 28, 2021 | Announcements
Dear Presbyterian Church Family, As you may, or may not know, we were planning to celebrate Trinity Sunday this weekend, April 30th, outside in Alexander Park. However, the weather forecast shows a 70-80% chance of rain on Sunday morning with a temperature of 54o at...