Join Us Before the Veteran’s Parade on November 5

November 5 is the Veteran’s Parade at 10:00 a.m.  Veterans are invited to gather at the church with family and friends @ 8:45 a.m. for coffee, tea, hot cocoa and donuts, and will be transported to the parade line by 9:30 a.m.  Youth are invited to carry flags during...

Upcoming Forum Classes

“Immigration and Human Trafficking:  Hidden Connections” A link exists between immigration and human trafficking.  Learn more about this link, what is being done to protect vulnerable individuals, and how you can become an advocate.  Sue Medsker-Nedderman...

Now You Can Watch Forum Classes On-Line!

Now you can watch Forum classes on-line! The Christian Education committee is proud to announce that equipment was purchased this summer which enables FPC to record and post Forum classes on-line.  This is a great way to catch up on important topics even when...

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF

This year the children of First Presbyterian Church will be continuing the tradition of helping other children around the world by participating in the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF campaign.  The annual tradition has helped provide countless children around the world...

Please Pray for Members of our PNC

Please pray for members of our Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC): Jim Duval, Chad Murrell, Mike Karloff, Joan Shaw, Chris Junker, Pam Lay and Jeni Howard.